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• Passengers willing to hire a taxi must find a suitable spot to do so, in order when the taxi will stop in front of them, to be easy and safe to get them aboard without obstructing other cars and people  (eg:to avoid calling a taxi on speed near traffic lights, pedestrian crossings or bus stops, etc)
• Enter and leave always using the right door of the vehicle unless the driver himself to open the left door on his own initiative.
• Do not expect to get a cab while standing on the left side of the road and you should not complain if they do not stop for you for that reason.
• Always allow the driver to stop at the safest and unobstructed for the rest of circulating point near the desired address and do not complain if the driver has to drive along for a few meters for trying to be safe.
• Exit carefully from the taxi and only if it is fully stopped, while consulting the driver on whether it is safe to open the door to that time to avoid injury to passing pedestrians or conflict with bicycles or bikes who sometimes overtake stopped cars from the right side.